JGSGB Chilterns RG - Tuesday 4 May 2021 7.30pm – Bernard Miller – “Crypto Jewish Governors & Viceroys of Portuguese India"
Due to the bank holiday there will be no Sunday meeting on 2 May, but coming next in the JGSGB Virtual Meeting Programme is a meeting from the JGSGB Chilterns Regional Group (RG) by Zoom. Here is the information for this meeting: • Date: Tuesday 4 May 2021 • Time: 19:30 London (note, 14:30 New York, 11:30 San Francisco, 21:30 Jerusalem) • Title: Crypto Jewish Governors & Viceroys of Portuguese India • Speaker: Bernard Miller • Description: The first one seemed like an aberration. The second might have been a mistake but by the time he had found half a dozen, there seemed to be a pattern. Several lines of Bernard Miller’s Sephardic ancestors whom he had traced back to 15th- and 16th-century Portugal seemed to contain Governors and Viceroys of Portuguese India. Like so much in genealogy, initially it appeared counter-intuitive. Many of the individuals appointed by the Portuguese Crown to represent it and govern its colonies came from Jewish ...