JGSGB Specialist Talk - 10 Apr 2022 2pm – with Bernard Miller – “Thoroughly Modernising Millie - What the Dickens?”
Our next meeting in the JGSGB Virtual Meeting Programme is a Specialist Talk by Zoom or in person at the Jewish Museum in Camden, London – our first Hybrid meeting.
Date: Sunday 10 April 2022
Time 14:00 London; 09:00 New York; 16:00 Jerusalem; 07:00 Salt Lake City
Title: Thoroughly Modernising Millie - What the Dickens?
Speaker: Bernard Miller
Venue: Zoom or Jewish Museum London, Albert Street, London, NW1 7NB
Essential: To attend in person please book at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/296370450997 on Eventbrite to avoid paying Museum entrance. Description: Bernard will speak about his mother, one-time Mayor of Camden and MP, Millie Miller and her many interesting relatives. From the 1950s to the '70s the name Millie Miller was widely known in London, particularly in local government and Parliament.
To mark the beginning of what would have been her 100th year, 45 years after her death, her son, JGSGB member Bernard Miller has been researching Millie’s genealogical connections, most but not all of which he believes she was totally unaware of. He certainly was.
In our first in-person meeting since the Covid lockdowns, he will reveal a cast of relatives, real characters whose lives interacted with hers and even some fictional ones.
To find out more, including the Dickens connections, join us on 10 April at 2.00 p.m. for our first post-Covid, in-person meeting at the Jewish Museum in Camden Town, or by Zoom from wherever you are in the world.
About Bernard Miller
Bernard Miller, who declared his nationality on the 2011 and 2021 census returns to be ‘Euro-Cockney’, has spent much of his life doing research in one form or another. Living in many countries and working in many languages and several different fields seems to him to be a good basis for applying that research base to his own genealogy. Surprise discoveries have included DNA matches in Denmark, Sephardic family links throughout Scandinavia, centuries-long family genealogical connections to India, blood and in-law relatives all over the world and, most recently, some unusual DNA data about his family’s origins that he is now trying to understand.
After the talk, there will be an opportunity for Q&A on the talk and the challenges.
The invitation to register for the Zoom is below, but please keep it to yourself!
If you have problems joining please email chairman@jgsgb.org.uk, preferably in the 15 minutes before the meeting proper starts.
Leigh Dworkin is inviting you to register for a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: JGSGB Specialist Talk: "Thoroughly Modernising Millie - What the Dickens?" by Bernard Miller
When: Apr 10, 2022 02:00 PM London
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. ==============================================================
Keep well!
Leigh Dworkin
Chairman, JGSGB
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