Our next Sunday meeting in the JGSGB Virtual Meeting Programme is a specialist talk on a photographic theme by Zoom. • Date: Sunday 29 August 2021 • Time: 14:00 London; 09:00 New York; 16:00 Jerusalem; 07:00 Salt Lake City • Title: "Dating Old Photographs" • Speaker: Stephen Gill • Description: Many of us have inherited gorgeous family photographs, but do we always know exactly who is in them or when the pictures were taken? Imagine being able to flesh out your family history by adding contextual photographs from the precise time period you are researching. We are delighted to welcome professional photographer and photography teacher, Stephen Gill, to teach us how you can tell a story about an old photograph and help date it. Steve will be presenting some guidance about how to get the most out of your old family photographs as well as how to date them. At the end of the talk we hope you will look at your photos in a different way and be able to enjoy them more. About Steph...
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