The Manchester Regional Group is hosting its FIRST online mini-conference.
As already announced, we have arranged a mini-conference for SUNDAY 25 JULY 2021 which will be Zoomed into the homes of attendees. The programme (a full version of which can be found on our website) will be:
1.30pm Welcome Leigh Dworkin (Chairman JGSGB)
1.40pm Robert Dyson - From Budapest to Switzerland via Belsen: My Hungarian grand-mother's escape
2.50pm William Pimlott - YIVO (Vilna, New York, London): An archive and its British Jewish holdings
4.00pm Anna Douglas & Errol Gross - From Vilkaviskis to Salford: The Schoolboy and The Photographer
5.15pm Closing remarks – David Jacobs (JGSGB President)
5.25pm Close
There will be a small charge for registration to cover the Society’s costs. This will be £5 for members and £10 for non-members. The charge will cover all persons within a household and using the same electronic device.
There are two ways to register for places at the Conference:
Online through the JGSGB Shopping Website with payments by PayPal:
Completing the Registration Form which can be found here:
Manchester On-line mini-conference 2021_Registration Form
Payments will be acknowledged.
A Zoom link will follow after registration
If you have any queries about the Conference, please email:
Anthony Rosenthal
Chairman JGSGB Manchester Regional Group
If you experience a problem booking, it is recommended you clear the cookies cache of your browser and reboot your computer. As there are several different browsers, please consult with your browser’s own help pages for instructions on how to do this.
If you still have difficulty, please email us on
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