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Sephardic World: The Jews of Italy - 18 October

From Ton Tielen and David Mendoza:

Sephardic World meeting on Sunday 18th October 2020

Luca Ascoli shares his knowledge on researching Jewish families in Italy, including sources often unknown to researchers outside Italy.

There were several Jewish communities in Italy, including those with ancient roots such as Rome, Portuguese Jews in Livorno and mixed communities in Venice and elsewhere. Italian Jews spread around the world, including families such as Montefiore and Disraeli to London. There were significant Italian Jewish communities around the Mediterranean, including in Tunis and Alexandria.

If you are researching an Italian Jewish family and need some help locating their origins, please let us know the details by Friday. Luca may be able to advise. Priority will be given to patrons of this channel.

Topic: The Jews of Italy: Sunday October 18, 2020 07:00 PM London (This is 7.00pm British summer time, GMT +1; which is 2.00pm in New York and 9:00pm in Jerusalem)

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Best wishes,

Ton Tielen and David Mendoza
Sephardic World


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