The popular conception is that Sephardim in Amsterdam and London were
rich. Sadly this is not the case. This week we shall discuss
impoverished Sephardim - maybe half the community - and how the
community leaders managed the situation. There is a wealth of records in
the archives dealing with the Sephardic poor, including the support
they received from the congregations, including at festivals, and how
they were managed and disciplined.
One solution was to put poor people on a boat, and send them somewhere
else! This is how many of our ancestors reached the places they later
called home. Ton has been studying the 'Despacho' records from Amsterdam
and London.
Topic: The Amsterdam and London Poor
Time: Sunday October 11, 2020 07:15 PM London (This is 7.15pm British summer time; GMT +1, which is 2.15pm in New York)
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