From David Shulman:
What better way to start the New Year other than with a brand new database!
A newly-created searchable database, hosted by JCR-UK, is now up and running. The database, relating to burials at Cardiff’s Highfield Road Orthodox Jewish Cemetery, covers the period 1852 through July 2020 and contains nearly 1,800 burial records, with some 1,470 headstone images. It can be accessed at:
Search results also include coordinates for each individual grave (accurate to about one metre) together with a link to a Google satellite image of the cemetery showing the location of the grave.
The creation of the database is part of a project to digitalise the records of all Jewish cemeteries in South Wales and complements a major project by the Jewish History Association of South Wales to collect reminiscences and artefacts and physical items from the numerous Jewish communities in South Wales (most of which are now defunct) for permanent display or in exhibitions and online. Databases already hosted by JCR-UK as part of this project are the Cardiff Ely Orthodox Jewish Cemetery (created December 2019) and Swansea’s Jewish Cemeteries (created December 2018).
Many thanks go to the project coordinator, Anthony Blasebalk, his team and the many volunteers who assisted, and to Alan Tobias, who assembled the database.
Other recent additions to the number of JCR-UK hosted databases include Newcastle’s Heaton Jewish Cemetery (created May 2020), Liverpool’s Jewish Cemeteries (created January 2020) and Sunderland’s
Jewish Cemeteries (created August 2019). For details of all hosted databases, see:
With regards and shana tova
David Shulman
Webmaster JCR-UK (a joint project of JGSGB and JewishGen)
Ra'anana, Israel
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