South East Essex RG – 28 June 2020 2pm – with Anne Marcus – “The Prayer Books in the Attic – a Genealogical Mystery”
Our next meeting in the JGSGB Virtual Meeting Programme is from the JGSGB South East Essex Regional Group (SEE RG) by Zoom.
Date June 28th 2020. Time 14:00 London. Title: “The Prayer Books in the Attic – a Genealogical Mystery”. Speaker: Anne Marcus. Description: At the February meeting of the South East Essex Group Anne Marcus, group convenor, was handed two old Jewish war issue prayer books. They were found in an attic locally by someone moving out of a house. Who did they belong to? Who were the names mentioned inside? How did the books get into the attic of a house in Southend-on-Sea? As an avid genealogist and crime fiction fan this was a challenge Anne couldn’t refuse. At the meeting Anne will reveal what she discovered, showing the genealogical resources she used along the way.
Date June 28th 2020. Time 14:00 London. Title: “The Prayer Books in the Attic – a Genealogical Mystery”. Speaker: Anne Marcus. Description: At the February meeting of the South East Essex Group Anne Marcus, group convenor, was handed two old Jewish war issue prayer books. They were found in an attic locally by someone moving out of a house. Who did they belong to? Who were the names mentioned inside? How did the books get into the attic of a house in Southend-on-Sea? As an avid genealogist and crime fiction fan this was a challenge Anne couldn’t refuse. At the meeting Anne will reveal what she discovered, showing the genealogical resources she used along the way.
After the talk, there will be an opportunity for Q&A on the talk.
Please email if you’d like to join, so that we get an idea of numbers. The invitation is below, but please keep it to yourself!
About Anne Marcus
Anne Marcus was born in North London but grew up and still lives in Southend-on-Sea. As an adult she studied research as part of a Social Studies Degree and began an interest in family history in 2007. Her roots are mainly Ashkenazi Eastern European, although the line of her Israeli born Grandmother can allegedly be traced back in the Middle East for several hundred years. As well as leading the JGSGB South East Essex RG Anne has joined the team of Library volunteers. She has an active interest in local history, heading the Jewish Southend Research Group, which is currently documenting the history of the Jewish communities in the area.
Leigh Dworkin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: JGSGB South East Essex Group: 'The Prayer Books in the Attic - the story so far' + Workshop
Time: Jun 28, 2020 02:00 PM London
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