JGSGB/JHSE Specialist Talk – Sun July 3rd 2022 2pm – “Just Passing Through: Interactions With the World, 1938-2021” by Daniel Snowman
There is no JGSGB meeting next Sunday due to Shevuot, but an upcoming special meeting in about a month in the JGSGB Programme is a joint meeting between the JGSGB and the Jewish Historical Society of England (JHSE) by Zoom and in person at the Jewish Museum, Camden, London. Here are the details: • Date: Sunday July 3rd 2022 • Time: 14:00 London; 09:00 New York; 16:00 Jerusalem; 15:00 Switzerland • Title: “Just Passing Through: Interactions With the World, 1938-2021” • Speaker: Daniel Snowman • Venue: Zoom details below, and/or in-person at the Jewish Museum London, Albert Street, London, NW1 7NB • Essential: To attend in person please email programme@jgsgb.org.uk to avoid paying Museum entrance. • Description: We will celebrate a book that is as much an autobiography as a history of Britain, and of English Jews: Just Passing Through: Interactions with the World, 1938–2021 . In the book, historian Daniel Snowman writes of a Jewish child's memories of the War, gives c...